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Greater North Shore Full Gospel Baptist Church has been actively involved with the greater Slidell community since 1995. Our ongoing outreach has created a buzz in the media, and we’re really excited to share all the latest updates with you. Check out some of our recent headlines to catch up on everything that is happening in our community.


The Greater North Shore Full Gospel Baptist Church is a ministry ordained of God for such a time as this. We have a divine mandate to reach out to the lost, unclaimed, unlovable, and backslidden of this generation while challenging the body of Christ to a closer walk with the Lord.

We believe our mission will be accomplished through the recognition of and dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit and the faithful teaching, preaching, practicing of the godly concepts and precepts as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures.

The Greater North Shore Full Gospel Baptist Church Ministry accepts the Holy Bible as the inerrant, infallible, Word of God and as the guidebook for all church government, discipline, and doctrine. We teach in love and in confidence that the Word of God is perfect in its accuracy and sure in its dependability and will endure all generations.


A Loving Church, A Mission Church, A Faithful Church
A Praying Church, A Spirit-Filled Church, A Gifted Church
An Evangelistic Church, A Growing Church, A Learning Church
A Tithing Church,A Visionary Church

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